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English Persian

教育 参考 参考 教育
开发 Farzad Rashvand
9.99 USD

Get the full power of "Advanced English Persian Dictionary", the worlds most comprehensive "English to Persian" and "Persian to English" Dictionary.

- More than 600,000 words, phrases and meanings – more than any other dictionary.
- Play audio of American and British pronunciations. NO INTERNET CONNECTION IS REQUIRED.
- Illustrate "parts of speech" of each word.
- Examples illustrate how words are used and show typical constructions and collocations.
- Illustrate Idioms.
- Create unlimited bookmarks of your favorite words.
- Create bookmarks category.
- Including Thesaurus dictionary.
- History list.
- Quick dynamic search of words while you type.

برای دسترسی به دیکشنری فارسی به انگلیسی کافیست فقط فارسی تایپ کنید